Building Physics (English)


The daily use quality of a building depends to a large extend on the performance achieved with respect
to indoor climate: thermal comfort, air quality, day light, artificial light, acoustics, etc. There also is a
strong relation between the way these performances are achieved and the energy use of the building.
Furthermore one takes it for granted that the building structures (facade, roof) fulfill their function for
many years and are not damaged by interstitial condensation or other problems. All these aspects are
subject of the study of Building Physics. Energy conservation, a careful choice of building materials and
a healthy indoor climate are very important with regard to sustainability.
Building Physics bridges different knowledge domains. For this reason it is of importance for all parties
involved in building: project developer, architect, consultants on structural design, building services,
building contractor, etc. Basic knowledge on Building Physics is built up in this book step by step and
made applicable by examples from building practice.
The book is meant for higher technical education as well as BSc-students in building sciences at
universities. After studying the basics the book remains very useful as reference book when making
assignments and graduate projects. For students and also for those who are working in building practice
special attention is paid to rules of thumb and figures to be used, material properties, etc.
To give an entrance to the use of standards and legislation in practice examples of the way Building
Physics aspects are treated in these documents are given. These examples comes from the Dutch
situation, but since only the principles that form the bases are discussed these examples also give an
entrance to European standards and standards and legislation overall.
The Dutch version of the book has been already used for many years. The content of this English edition
is equal to the content of the eighth Dutch edition.
In this edition of Building physics examples in all chapters are actualized and topics are renewed or
further elaborated. In chapter 6 the principles of natural ventilation are treated more extensively. Chapter
8 Buildings and climate installations was repealed. Chapter 9 (now chapter 8) is completely renewed
and is now called Energy and energy performance. The new chapter 9 deals with Sustainable Building
and shows how this topic works out on the work of all parties in the (re)development of buildings with,
of course, special attention payed to building physics. New ways of expressing sound insulation and
sound proofing are given in chapter 11 and 12. In chapter 13, finally, the development of a fire is added and
the sequence of the topics is adapted.
Hopefully also this English version will not only provide the knowledge needed in education but also give
a clear view how to use this knowledge in practice.
The main goal is realizing new or renovated buildings that are ‘fit for purpose’, provide a healthy living or
working environment thus contributing to sustainable building. Building Physics plays an important role
in this field and it inspires me to work in this field with sustainable enthusiasm.

March 2018
Kees van der Linden

ir. A.C. van der Linden; ir. I.M. Kuijpers-Van Gaalen; ir. A. Zeegers

June 2024


mw. ir. I.M. Kuijpers-Van Gaalen, DGMR, Arnhem

  • Energy and energy performance
  • Sustainable construction

mw. ir. A. Zeegers, Central Government Real Estate Agency, The Hague

  • Heat, heat transport, thermal insulation
  • Moisture, moisture transport, condensation
  • Heat and moisture transport in practice
  • Acoustics
  • Sound insulation and sound proofing
  • Applied sound insulation

ir. A.C. van der Linden, Delft University of Technology

  • Heat, heat transport, thermal insulation
  • Moisture, moisture transport, condensation
  • Heat and moisture transport in practice
  • Lighting
  • Thermal comfort
  • Ventilation and infiltration
  • Solar gain and solar control
  • Acoustics
  • Sound insulation and sound proofing
  • Applied sound insulation
  • Fire safety

Chapter 13 Fire safety is based on material of ing. T.A.J. Selten, moBius consult b.v., Driebergen and ir. R.H.P. van Herpen, Nieman Raadgevende Ingenieurs, Zwolle.


ir. A.C. van der Linden

Revised Layout

M.J.C. van der Klooster


Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

Architectural Engineering and Technology

Group Building Physics and Building Services

TU Delft June 2024 Edition 2024.1